Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beasiswa Pilot Batavia Air

Beasiswa Pilot Batavia Air untuk Indonesia 2011
Persyaratan Umum :
a. Pria / Wanita, belum menikah
b. Berusia 17 – 27 tahun
c. Minimum lulusan SLTA atau sederajat/ Diploma/ Sarjana dari segala jurusan
d. Persyaratan Kualifikasi Dasar:
  • Nilai rata-rata rapor SLTA (mulai dari kelas 10 sd kelas 12 SLTA) minimal 7.00
  • Nilai rata-rata MATEMATIKA (mulai dari kelas 10 sd kelas 12 SLTA) minimal 7.00
  • Nilai rata-rata BAHASA INGGRIS (mulai dari kelas 10 sd kelas 12 SLTA) minimal 7.00
  • Bagi yang kuliah (sedang atau sudah selesai) IPK min. 2.75
e. Persyaratan Fisik & Mental (Sangat Penting Untuk Diperhatikan):
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Mata yang sehat dan normal (tidak buta warna, tidak berkacamata dan tidak menggunakan lensa kontak)
  • Panjang kaki minimal 100 cm (untuk pria) dan 97 cm (untuk wanita) (dihitung dari pangkal paha sampai dengan telapak kaki)
  • Tinggi badan minimal 170cm (untuk pria) dan 165cm (untuk wanita).
Persyaratan Administrasi :
a. Mengambil formulir beasiswa pilot dengan download disini.
b. Mengisi secara lengkap formulir tersebut. Formulir harap diisi dengan tulisan tangan dan sejujurnya.
c. Melampirkan riwayat hidup lengkap / curriculum vitae (menggunakan tulisan tangan).
d. Melampirkan fotocopy rapor SLTA kelas 10 sampai dengan rapor terakhir (legalisir).
e. Melampirkan fotocopy transkrip nilai serta fotocopy ijasah SLTA (bagi yang kuliah).
f. Melampirkan fotocopy KTP.
g. Melampirkan 3 buah pas foto ukuran 4×6.
h. Melampirkan 1 lembar surat ijin orang tua/wali (asli) yang menyatakan ijin orang tua/wali untuk Anda dalam mengikuti proses seleksi beasiswa pilot ini.
i. Semua persyaratan diatas, kecuali foto dan fotocopy KTP, dijilid dengan rapi dengan urutan sebagai berikut:
  • Formulir beasiswa pilot
  • Surat Lamaran
  • CV
  • Fotocopy raport SLTA (bagi yang masih sekolah atau tamat SLTA)
  • Fotocopy transkrip nilai dan ijasah SLTA (bagi yang kuliah)
  • Surat Ijin Orang tua / wali
j. Kirimkan berkas aplikasi lengkap ke : PO BOX 1145 JKT 13011. Penerimaan berkas oleh Panitia Seleksi paling lambat tanggal 31 Mei 2011.


1. Seluruh pengumuman mengenai program Beasiswa Pilot, tahapan seleksi serta hasil seleksi setiap tahap akan ditayangkan melalui website : dan

2. Bila masih ada hal yang kurang jelas bagi Anda, silakan telepon ke no : 021-90472323 setiap hari kerja (Senin – Jumat) pkl. 08.00 – 16.00. Di luar waktu tersebut telepon tidak akan dilayani.

3. Seluruh proses seleksi dilaksanakan secara bertahap, terbuka, dan fair.

4. Pelanggaran terhadap prinsip fairness dan segala bentuk kecurangan tidak akan ditolerir.

5. Bagi Anda yang pernah mencoba mengikuti program ini sebelumnya, kami mempersilakan Anda untuk mencoba mendaftarkan diri kembali KECUALI Anda yang telah gagal di tahap aptitude test dan medical check-up atau Anda yang telah mengikuti tes ini sebanyak 3x. Harap dimaklumi.

6. Keputusan panitia seleksi adalah mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Full Scholarships for Graduate Study, MASDAR Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Masdar Institute Graduate Scholarship (for all nationalities to study at Masdar Institute in Abu Dhabi)
Full scholarship is available to qualified talented students who meet Masdar Institute’s high admission standards. The requirements are as follows:
1. A relevant undergraduate degree
Undergraduate degrees must be in the fields of science, engineering, or information technology
2. High CGPA from a recognized university
The minimum CGPA for consideration of admissions is 3.0 on a scale of 4.0
3. High GRE scores
The minimum score required on the GRE Quantitative for consideration of admissions is 700.
There is no cut-off score for the Verbal and Analytical but these scores are also important and evaluated. The GRE exam cannot be waived.
4High TOEFL (or academic IELTS)
The minimum TOEFL score required is 91 (IBT) on the international TOEFL. The minimum academic IELTS score is 6.5. The TOEFL/IELTS can only be waived for native English speakers (e.g., Native American or native UK students, etc.).
Students accepted into the Masdar Institute will be offered a full scholarship which includes the following:
  • 100% tuition fee scholarship
  • Textbooks
  • Laptop
  • Medical Insurance
  • Housing
  • International students will receive reimbursement for travel expenses (economy class air-ticket) into Abu Dhabi and back home after completion of studies. Travel expenses (return economy class air-ticket) back to the student’s home country at the end of the 1st year of studies will also be reimbursed.
  • Reimbursement of TOEFL and GRE exam fees (upon registration at Masdar Institute and submission of original receipts)
  • A competitive stipend per month (cost of living allowance) which is currenlty set at 4,000AED.
The scholarship and benefits are subject to the student maintaining a minimum CGPA as determined by Masdar Institute of Science and Technology and satisfactory progress on their research.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Beasiswa Unggulan S1, S2 & S3 Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, Indonesia

Beasiswa Unggulan – Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional merupakan pemberian bantuan biaya pendidikan oleh pemerintah Indonesia atau pihak lain berdasarkan atas kesepakatan kersjasama kepada putera – puteri terbaik bangsa Indonesa dan mahasiswa asing terpilih. (Permendiknas RI Nomor 20 Tahun 2009)
Beasiswa Unggulan diberikan kepada mereka yang memiliki prestasi sebagai berikut:
1. Peraih medali Olimpiade Sains / Teknologi tingkat Nasional/ Internasional;
2. Pemenang lomba LKS (Lomba Kompetensi Siswa) Tingkat Nasional;
3. Pemenang Lomba tingkat Nasional / Internasional, bidang Sains, Teknologi, Seni Budaya, Olahraga, dll;
4. Lulusan terbaik SMA / MA / SMK / Ponpes / Perguruan Tinggi yang diusulkan oleh Pemda (Propinsi/ Kabupaten/ Kota), Masyarakat (LSM), dan Insdustri;
5. Lulusan Cumlaude dari Perguruan Tinggi/ Sekolah Tinggi/ Akademi;
6. Penulis, Pencipta, Peneliti, Seniman, Olahragawan, dan Tokoh (P3SWOT) berprestasi;
7. Staf Pemda dan Staf Diknas dari unit- unit utama serta jajarannya;
8. Bukan Dosen (untuk reguler S1, S2, dan S3).
Jenis Beasiswa Unggulan
Berdasarkan Permendiknas tentang Beasiswa Unggulan, jenis beasiswa yang diberikan terdiri dari :
a. Beasiswa Unggulan Program Sarjana, yaitu beasiswa diperuntukkan untuk lulusan berprestasi dari Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) dan Madrasah Aliyah (MA) guna mengikuti proses pendidikan program sarjana atau yang sederajat di perguruan tinggi bidang sains dan humaniora serta vokasi.
b. Beasiswa Unggulan Program Magister diperuntukkan untuk lulusan Sarjana (S1) atau sederajat yang memenuhi persyaratan tertentu untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di tingkat magister pada bidang studi dan konsentrasi yang berlaku di lingkungan KEMDIKNAS. Bagi aktifis mahasiswa bila memenuhi kriteria yang dipersyaratkan dapat menggunakan jalur ini untuk jenjang pendidikan selanjutnya.
c. Beasiswa Unggulan Program Doktor diperuntukkan untuk lulusan Magister (S2) atau yang sederajat yang memenuhi persyaratan tertentu untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di tingkat doktor pada bidang studi dan konsentrasi yang berlaku di lingkungan KEMDIKNAS.
d. Beasiswa Tunjangan Kreatifitas diperuntukkan untuk peserta didik pemenang kejuaraan tingkat internasional dalam berbagai bidang (vokasi, olahraga, seni dan sains).
e. Beasiswa mahasiswa asing (Palestina, dll) merupakan program khusus untuk mahasiswa asing dan diutamakan untuk negara Palestina, dll. Program ini digunakan untuk menstimulus program studi yang menyelengarakan gelar ganda dan kembaran.
f. Beasiswa untuk studi lanjut bagi olah ragawan berprestasi tingkat nasional dan internasional serta pemenang olimpiade sains, seni dan iptek.
g. Beasiswa Ulung merupakan program khusus untuk akselerasi penyelenggaran Fasttrack Program di dalam dan luar negeri dalam jenjang S1 hingga S3.
h. Beasiswa kemitraan dengan pihak industri terkait yang peduli di dunia pendidikan seperti BU-CIMB Niaga, BU-BRI (Beasiswa Nusantara), dll.
i. Beasiswa Unggulan untuk Peneliti, Penulis, Pencipta, Seniman, Wartawan, Olah Ragawan dan Tokoh (P3SWOT) diberikan berdasarkan profesi pelamar dan tidak memperhatikan jenjang pendidikan.
j. Beasiswa kemitraan alumni digunakan untuk pembinaan alumni program Beasiswa Unggulan jenjang pendidikan Sarjana (S1) atau sederajat, magister (S2) dan doktor (S3).
k. Beasiswa bidang kajian khusus seperti Akuntasi Pemerintahan merupakan program khusus untuk bidang kajian akuntasi pemerintah. Hal ini diperlukan untuk mendukung terciptanya pemerintah yang akuntabel (Good Governance). Bidang Energi terbarukan diperuntukan untuk mendukung ketersediaan sumber daya manusia yang memahami energy terbarukan di Indonesia, dan bidang kajian Gametech diperuntukan untuk penyediaan sumber daya manusia yang menguasai teknologi khususnya mengarah ke edutaiment.
Bentuk Beasiswa Unggulan
Peserta program Beasiswa Unggulan yang lolos seleksi baik di perguruan tinggi penyelenggara maupun dari Sekretariat Beasiswa Unggulan akan menerima beasiswa dalam bentuk salah satu dan/atau kombinasi dari sebagai berikut :
a. Biaya hidup adalah beasiswa yang diterima untuk menbantuan biaya hidup pada saat mengikuti program pendidikan jenjang S1 atau yang sederajat,S2 dan S3.
b. Biaya pendidikan adalah beasiswa yang diterima untuk membantu sebagian atau membiayai seluruh biaya pendidikan pada saat mengikuti program pendidikan jenjang S1 atau yang sederajat, S2 dan S3.
c. Biaya buku adalah beasiswa yang diberikan kepada peserta beasiswa saat menempuh program pendidikan jenjang S1 atau yang sederajat, S2 dan S3.
d. Biaya penelitian adalah beasiswa yang diberikan kepada peserta saat menempuh program pendidikan jenjang S1 atau sederajat, S2 dan S3.
e. Biaya publikasi ilmiah adalah beasiswa yang diberikan kepada peserta saat menempuh program pendidikan jenjang S1atau yang sederajat, S2 dan S3.
f. Tunjangan prestasi adalah bantuan pendidikan bagi peserta yang lolos seleksi dan diterima berdasarkan prestasi yang diraih.
g. Tunjangan kreatifitas adalah bantuan pendidikan bagi peserta yang lolos seleksi dan diterima berdasarkan kreatifitas yang di capai.
h. Bantuan beasiswa bagi peneliti, penulis, pencipta, seniman, wartawan, olahragawan dan tokoh yang disalurkan melalui P3SWOT.
i. Biaya transportasi/tiket pesawat adalah bantuan tiket bagi peserta untuk melakukan kegiatan ke atau dari luar negeri.
j. Biaya asuransi kesehatan adalah bantuan kesehatan untuk mendukung kegiatan pendidikan selama di dalam dan luar negeri.
k. Biaya kedatangan dan kepulangan adalah bantuan pendidikan untuk mengikuti program orientasi dan pembekalan bagi peserta beasiswa.
l. Biaya tunjangan awal/akhir program adalah bantuan yang diberikan pada saat awal dan berakhirnya kegiatan pendidikan peserta beasiswa.
m. Biaya matrikulasi adalah bantuan yang diberikan apabila peserta beasiswa diwajibkan mengikuti kuliah matrikulasi pada program pendidikan yang diikuti
n. Biaya operasional dan biaya-biaya lainnya (untuk berlangganan internet, sewa komputer, dll).
Setiap peserta program Beasiswa Unggulan berhak menerima seluruh bentuk beasiswa yang di tawarkan tersebut di atas, namun syarat utama pelamar adalah sangat kompetitif sekali, walaupun hal itu sangat jarang terjadi dan hak tersebut juga sesuai program beasiswa yang diikuti
1. Sudah diterima di Perguruan Tinggi dengan melampirkan Letter of Acceptance
2. Surat Pernyataan sanggup mengikuti peraturan pada Program Beasiswa Unggulan
3. Mengisi data diri secara lengkap pada website Program Beasiswa Unggulan:
4. Melampirkan proposal rencana usulan, tugas akhir/ Skripsi/ Tesis/ Disertasi
5. Syarat IPK & TOEFL untuk mengikuti seleksi:
S1: UAN > 7.25, IPK > 3.00, TOEFL 450
S2: IPK > 3.25, TOEFL 500
S3: IPK > 3.25, TOEFL 550
Isi pada form online dengan melampirkan scan Ijazah & Transkrip Nilai (untuk IPK & UAN) serta scan sertifikat TOEFL yang sudah dilegalisir.
*) Apabila calon pelamar tidak memiliki sertifikat TOEFL, dapat melampirkan sertifikat TOEIC, TOEFL IBT, IELTS, dll
6. Melampirkan Sertifikat penghargaan/ prestasi
7. Usia Pendaftar diprioritaskan:
a. DIV/ S1 tidak lebih dari 21 tahun
b. S2 tidak lebih dari 35 tahun
c. S3 tidak lebih dari 45 tahun
8. Melampirkan surat rekomendasi dari Instansi asal untuk mengikuti program Beasiswa Unggulan.
9. Membuat publikasi pada media masa nasional / Internasional (ISR).
Periode Beasiswa
Peserta program Beasiswa Unggulan selama menuntut ilmu baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri akan dibatasi waktu penerimaan beasiswanya. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memicu peserta program Beasiswa Unggulan dalam menyelesaikan studinya. Sebagai informasi awal, periode beasiswa yang diberikan terdiri dari:
1. Dari aspek pola pembelajaran yang dikembangkan, untuk program sarjana (S1) atau yang sederajat, peserta akan mendapatkan beasiswa (biaya pendidikan) selama maksimal 6-8 semester untuk biaya pendidikan. Sedangkan bagi yang mendapatkan biaya hidup akan diterima maksimal 36-48 bulan, kecuali untuk mahasiswa asing tertentu.
2. Dari aspek pola pembelajaran yang dikembangkan, untuk program Magister (S2), peserta akan menerima beasiswa (biaya pendidikan) selama maksimal 4 semester yang meliputi biaya pendidikan. Sedangkan biaya hidup maksimal akan diberikan selama 18 bulan, kecuali untuk mahasiswa asing tertentu.
3. Dari aspek pola pembelajaran untuk program Doktor (S3) selama maksimal 6 semester yang meliputi biaya pendidikan dan biaya hidup, kecuali untuk mahasiswa asing tertentu.
Sedangkan untuk melakukan proses pengajuan Beasiswa Unggulan dapat dilakukan mulai tanggal 1 Januari dan berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember pada tahun yang berjalan. Sedangkan proses pencairan dana beasiswanya mengikuti proses pencairan anggaran tahun berjalan. Adapun tutup tahun anggaran dilakukan pada tanggal 31 Desember tahun berjalan.
Informasi selengkapnya dapat dilihat di 

Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries, DAAD Germany

Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries 2012/2013
CALL for APPLICATION: March 2011
(Deadline 28th July 2011)
Please click here to download this File as PDF.
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst – supports a range of postgraduate courses at German universities which aim at providing academically educated young professionals from Developing Countries with further specialized studies. The DAAD supports these selected programs with a certain quota of scholarships and with financial assistance for a special tutoring system. At the end of the course (programs run 12 to 36 months, depending on the particular institution) participants can obtain an internationally recognized Master’s or in some courses PhD degree.
Target group:
University teaching staff, researchers and professionals holding an academic degree and with at least two years of experience in the public or private institutions in the following areas:
  • Economic Sciences / Business Administration/ Political Economics
  • Development Co-operation
  • Engineering and related sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Regional Planning
  • Agricultural and Forest Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Public Health / Veterinary Medicine / Medicine
  • Social Science, Education and Law
  • Media Studies
See Annex for the list of selected courses (Please click here to download the list of selected courses).
Language of instruction:
German or English, depending on the degree course:
  • Participants in postgraduate courses in which English is the language of instruction receive a scholarship for a two-month intensive German language course.
  • Participants in postgraduate courses in which German or German/English is the language of instruction receive a scholarship for a six-month intensive German language course. Please note that the candidates must have certain German language certificate at the time of application.
Criteria for applying:
  • Age limit: 36 years of age at the time of application (for some courses 32 years)
    For some courses, Bachelor degree should have been completed not longer than 6 years at the time of application. Concerning this matter, please directly contact the coordinator of the respective study program
  • Degree: Bachelor or Master
  • GPA: min 2,75 for Master candidates (some study programs applied GPA more than 2,75. Please see the detail on the website of each study program) and 3,00 for Doctoral candidates
  • Work experience: at least two years after completing Bachelor degree.
  • Language skill:
  • For postgraduate courses held in English request an international TOEFL (minimum score: 550 paper based, 213 computer based, 80 internet based) or IELTS (band 6). Some courses may expect a different level. For detailed information see the website of the relevant course.
  • For postgraduate courses held in German: please see the details on the course list. Certain level of German language exam may be required before admission to the course.
Information and DAAD form are available from the:
DAAD Jakarta Office
Summitmas I, Lt. 19
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Jakarta 12190
Consultation hours: Monday – Thursday, 1:30pm – 4:00pm
Contact person: Ms. Dwi Nurlianti/Ms. Muji Rahayu
Phone: (021) 520 0870 / 525 2807
Fax: (021) 525 2822
You are suggested to apply online. However you must send the printed form together with other application documents (triplicate) via post to the DAAD Jakarta Office before the deadline. The instruction on how to apply online is available here 
if you encounter problem with internet connection during the online application, you can obtain the DAAD form here.
Application documents (please set in the following order and DO NOT staple):
  1. 1. DAAD Form (see the above information)
  2. 2. Curriculum Vitae
    please use the Europass specimen form at here
  3. 3. A Statement of motivation for participation in the postgraduate courses with emphasis on the relevance to his/her occupation
  4. 4. Two letters of recommendation of recent date, each from supervisor at your company/institution, and from your previous academic supervisor
  5. 5. Confirmation of employment from the candidate’s employer in the home country and where possible, guarantee of re-employment upon his/her return to the home country
  6. 6. Academic Degree Certificate (certified copies of original) in Bahasa Indonesia and English/German translation
  7. 7. Academic transcript, covering the complete duration of academic studies (certified copies of original) in Bahasa Indonesia and English/German translation
  8. 8. Secondary School Leaving Certificates/ijazah SMA, including note of UAN (certified copies of original) in Bahasa Indonesia and English/German translation
  9. 9. Language certificate (see criteria for applying ‘Language skills’)
    for course held in English: TOEFL or IELTS scores
    for course held in German: please see the website of the relevant course
  1. You may apply only two study programs offered by this scholarship program. Prior to the application you are strongly recommended to visit the website of the study programs of your choice. If you find information about GPA, TOEFL, application deadline, etc. that do not match the DAAD pre-requisites, you must fulfill the pre-requisites from the study program.
  2. All papers must be submitted in triplicate (1 original, 2 copies). Applications, which do not clearly specify the desired degree course, or those that are not complete in all respects, cannot be processed, and will not be considered.
  3. Only complete applications will be sent to Germany. The selection at the respected universities will be held in October 2011 until the mid of February 2012. During those times it is possible for some applicants to be contacted by the university to conduct a telephone interview.
  4. We are very strict about the deadline. If you think that you won’t be able to submit your application (the hard copy) to the DAAD Jakarta due to the application deadline (28th July 2011), please submit it directly to the chosen study program. You will find the address at their websites.
  5. Result of the scholarship: only those who are granted the scholarship will be notified via E-mail by the DAAD headquarter. You will then obtain the original scholarship documents from the DAAD Jakarta.

MSc Scholarships in Carbon Management, University of Edinburgh, UK

Five scholarships are available to students from any country planing to undertake MSc in Carbon Management. Each is tenable for one academic year and has a value of £1,000.
The scholarship will be awarded to students accepted for admission on a full time basis onto the MSc in Carbon Management in the Business School.
The sole criterion for the scholarships will be academic excellence; successful applicants are likely to hold or expect to achieve a UK first class honours undergraduate degree or the overseas equivalent.
Although applications for the scholarship should be made before 31 May 2011, the scholarship will only be awarded to an applicant who has firmly accepted their offer through payment of the deposit.
Applicants who hold full sponsorships are not eligible for the scholarship.
If an applicant is successful in being awarded the scholarship, but subsequently declines their offer of admission on the programme, the award of the scholarship will be withdrawn and awarded to another applicant.
Application forms are due by 31 May 2011.
Applications should be completed online
Please note that you will not be able to access the online application form unless you have applied for admission to the University of Edinburgh and have full EASE authentication.
The winners of the scholarship will be announced by the Business School in early July.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Undergraduate Scholarships, International College of Hotel Management, Australia

The International College of Hotel Management (ICHM) is pleased to offer:
• Two Round 1 International Scholarships for the July 2011 or January 2012 intakes.
• Two Round 2 Scholarships for the January 2012 or July 2012 intakes.

Scholarship Value
The value of each scholarship is A$15,000 to be paid in the following manner:
Year 1 A$4,000 Year 2 A$4,000
Year 3 A$4,000 Year 4 A$3,000

Eligibility Requirements
- Open to all international students studying outside Australia, international students undertaking an English course in Australia, and international students who have completed less than two years high school in Australia. International students who finish high school in Australia including the last two years must apply for the Australian Entry Scholarships.
- Minimum age requirement of 18 years old at the time of commencement with ICHM.
- Maximum age 24 at time of application.
- Will complete/graduate in 2011 or prior to the the July 2012 intake, or have already completed/graduated their final year of high school studies. Results must meet ICHM Academic Entry Requirements (refer to ICHM Prospectus or website).
- For students whose mother tongue is other than English, IELTS 6.0/TOEFL 550. (Paper based; computer & internet also acceptable)
- Open only to new students seeking entry into Year 1.

If you do not have a copy of our prospectus to assist with the preparation of your scholarship application, it can be viewed on our website or please contact our Admissions Office and a copy will be forwarded to you by post.

Other general information is available on our website and in our student magazine “On-Course”, or by contacting the ICHM Admissions Office.

How to Apply
Your completed application must contain:
- Scholarship application form.
This form is in two parts.
- Cover page providing your personal contact details (see perforated attachment).
- Your response to 4 short-answer questions found on the reverse of the cover page.
- Brief CV (not more than one page in length)
- Most recent copies of your school reports from the last two years.
- ICHM application form (unless an application to attend ICHM has already been forwarded).
- Evidence of English language ability (e.g. IELT S/TOEFL)

The ICHM Application form can be found in the Prospectus 2011, or on the ICHM website. All sections must be completed and submitted along with the Scholarship form and details.

Scholarship Application Fee of A$50.
Payment can be made by credit card or cheque. Cheques in A$ made payable to ICHM Pty Ltd. All cheques are banked and credit card payments processed upon receipt.

Note: Do not staple or bind applications. Do not send original transcripts as they will not be returned.

Round 1: July 2011 or January 2012 intake – Friday April 1st 2011
Round 2: January 2012 or July 2012 intake – Friday September 2nd 2011
Applications received after the closing dates will not be considered for these scholarships.

Send your completed application to:
Fax: (+61 8228 3684
ICHM Admissions Office
124 Hutt Street
Adelaide SA 5000

Scholarship Selection Process & Assessment Criteria
Up to 5 finalists will be selected from each round to be interviewed. The interview will be conducted on-line by video link, or if this is not available, through a teleconference.
* Scholarship Application (including academic results, CV and short answer responses). 50%
* Interview 50%
Following the interview, the winners will be selected as those most likely to excel in hotel management. Scholarship winners will be notified within two weeks.

Conditions of Entry
Students who meet the scholarship eligibility criteria and ICHM entry requirements can apply for a scholarship. Students who have already applied and been accepted by ICHM for these intakes may also apply by completing the Scholarship Application form.

ICHM reserves the right to reduce the value of scholarships if there are less than ten applicants in either round.

The tuition fees for international students starting in 2011 are A$23,050. In addition there is a one-time New Student Fee of A$1,500. The 2011 cost for Accommodation & Meals at ICHM is A$8,190, payable during on-campus semesters and subject to availability. These scholarships can only be applied to the tuition fees. Students commencing in the 2012 intakes are required to pay the listed fess at that time.

The A$50 Scholarship Application Fee is non-refundable, this applies to successful and unsuccessful applicants. It is not considered as part of the New Student Fee or Course Fees.

The scholarship amount will be credited against the final fee payment each year.

Students who are offered and accept a scholarship or bursary amount are ineligible to apply for subsequent scholarship rounds. Students who do not accept or receive any amount at all, are able to apply to future scholarship rounds, as long as they meet all other entry requirements.

The Selection Panel may decide to increase the number of scholarship winners by reducing the scholarship amount.

Payment of the scholarship amount on behalf of the student for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of the course will be dependent upon satisfactory academic results and industry placement performance as determined by the ICHM Academic Board.

The awarding of the Scholarship payment each year depends on the student paying the balance of the student fees by the due date as set out in the Application Form contained in the prospectus. Students failing to pay the balance of fees by the due date will forfeit the right to their scholarship.

The Scholarships are open to new first year students only. Students currently studying at ICHM are ineligible.

Scholarship students failing to comply with the ICHM rules and regulations in relation to personal and ethical behaviour will forfeit their entitlement to the scholarship.

Download form

Undergraduate Scholarships, Swiss German University, Indonesia


The scholarships are offered for 4 study programs: Information Technology, Accounting, Pharmaceutical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. Send scholarship proposal via email to or to SGU Campus at the latest of 29 April 2011.
  1. Fulfillment of all registration requirements.
  2. Must obtain TOEFL/IELTS minimum 500/5.5.
  3. Result of the high school report of class 10 and 11 should be above high school average.
  4. Pass the SGU Assesment Interview.
  5. For following semesters, the scholarship will be based upon the academic achievement (min. GPA 3,5)  and active participation in student organizations.
  6. Certified photocopy of High School official certificate (IJAZAH SMA/SMK/MA), legalized by the Principal (once it is published).
  7. Certified photocopy of High School official transcript (SKHUN of SMA/SMK/MA), legalized by the Principal (once it is published).
  8. Poverty statement from Local Authority/Kelurahan must be submitted (Foundation Scholarships).
  9. Valid only for Indonesian nationals (Foundation Scholarships).
Payment Reduction Development Fee Semester Fee
Achievement Scholarships 50% 50%
Foundation Scholarships 100% 100%


Scholarships based on the best academic semester result are offered in semester 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 for students for each class. The selection of scholarship holders will be made by the Examination Steering Committee by considering academic achievement and active participation in student organization.

Visit official website

Monday, March 28, 2011

Rotary Peace Fellowship, International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution, USA

Rotary Peace Fellows are leaders promoting national and international cooperation, peace, and the successful resolution of conflict throughout their lives, in their careers, and through service activities. Fellows earn a master`s degree in international relations, sustainable development, peace studies, conflict resolution, or a professional development certificate in peace and conflict studies.
The Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution program supports the mission of The Rotary Foundation to further world understanding and peace.
The purpose of the Rotary Peace Centers program is to:
  • Support and advance research, teaching, publication, and practical field experience on issues of peace, goodwill, causes of conflict, and world understanding
  • Inspire people to work for a culture of peace and tolerance while enhancing their capacity, knowledge, and skill by generating interaction between practitioners and academics
  • Provide advanced international education opportunities in the area of peace and conflict resolution
  • Provide a means for The Rotary Foundation and Rotarians to increase their effectiveness in promoting greater tolerance and cooperation among peoples, leading to world understanding and peace
The Rotary Peace Centers program is intended for individuals who have chosen a career related to international relations, peace, and conflict resolution, who already have work experience in these areas, and who have real potential to positively impact our world. Candidates should consider these objectives carefully before applying and should be prepared to explain in their written statement and interviews how they would support these program objectives. In particular, candidates should demonstrate a commitment to community or international humanitarian service, and working for peace.
Applicants can choose from either the master`s degree OR the professional development certificate program. Candidates will not be considered for both programs.
Rotary Peace Fellowships fund either master`s degree or professional development certificate study at one of the six Rotary Peace Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution at seven universities worldwide.
Fellowship funding includes:
  • Tuition and fees
  • Room and board
  • Round-trip transportation
  • Internship (master`s degree) or field study expenses (professional development certificate)
General eligibility
Rotary Peace Fellowship applicants should have:
  • A strong commitment to international understanding and peace demonstrated through their professional and academic achievements and personal and community service activities
  • A bachelor`s degree or equivalent in a related field with strong grades at the time of application
  • Minimum five years` relevant work experience with current full-time employment in a mid- to upper-level position for the certificate program
  • Minimum three years` combined paid or unpaid full-time relevant work experience for the master`s degree program
  • Proficiency in English and a second language (master`s program) or in English (certificate program)
  • Excellent leadership skills
You must submit this application and all supplementary materials to a Rotary club, preferably in the area of your legal or permanent place of residence, full-time study, or employment. Please consult the local club for the application deadline. You should be prepared for personal interviews at the discretion of the sponsor Rotarians at both the club and the district levels. Each Rotary district may forward as many applications as it deems qualified to The Rotary Foundation for consideration in a world-competitive selection process. This application and additional information are also available at Once the application is endorsed and complete, the Rotary sponsor district must send it electronically to The Rotary Foundation at
BE SURE TO SUBMIT A COMPLETE APPLICATION with club and district endorsement. E-mail or fax submissions are preferred.
District-endorsed applications for the 2012 Rotary Peace Fellowships competition are due to The Rotary Foundation by 1 July 2011.
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
One Rotary Center
1560 Sherman Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201-3698 USA
Fax: +1-847-556-2141
Girls Generation - Korean