Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tips Menaklukkan Wawancara Beasiswa

Kabar berhasil melewati sejumlah tahapan dalam seleksi penerima beasiswa pasti menjadi kabar yang sangat baik. Apalagi, jika telah mencapai tahapan wawancara yang merupakan tahap akhir dari serangkaian tes yang harus dilalui bagi calon penerima beasiswa. Memasuki tahapan ini, artinya Anda dianggap sebagai kandidat yang kompeten untuk menerima pembiayaan studi. Tetapi, jangan berpuas hati. Tak sedikit yang harus "gigit jari" karena tak berhasil melampaui tahapan ini. Nah, berikut ini adalah pertanyaan umum dalam wawancara beasiswa dan bagaimana jawaban terbaik yang harus diberikan, seperti dikutip dari Yuk, disimak!

1. Bagaimana Anda saat menjadi seorang pemimpin, atau, bagaimana Anda menggambarkan kepemimpinan?
Jika Anda mendapat pertanyaan mengenai kemampuan kepemimpinan, jangan hanya mengungkapkan sejumlah titel atau posisi yang pernah diraih. Fokuskan pada posisi kepemimpinan yang spesifik atau aktivitas yang bisa memberikan gambaran secara detil serta menunjukkan komitmen yang kuat. Misalnya, aktivitas sosial yang dilakukan, serta bagaimana Anda berkompetisi meraih sesuatu akan memudahkan pewawancara untuk mengukur prestasi Anda. Ingat, tidak harus menceritakan bagaimana Anda mengorganisasi sesuatu atau memotivasi orang lain. Hal itu justru terkesan sangat klasik.

2. Apa kekuatan dan kelemahan terbesar Anda?
Akan sangat mudah untuk mengatakan bahwa kekuatan Anda adalah seseorang yang mau bekerja keras. Tetapi, apa yang akan menjadi bukti kekuatan itu? Gunakan sebuah contoh. Sampaikan sebuah ilustrasi yang bisa menggambarkan apa yang Anda maksud dengan kekuatan itu. Tidak cukup hanya mengatakan bahwa Anda memiliki kualitas kepemimpinan yang baik. Anda harus bercerita tentang kejadian dimana Anda memang memimpin, apa hasil dari kepemimpinan Anda? Kenapa Anda melakukannya? Hal ini akan memudahkan pewawancara untuk memercayai bahwa itu memang kekuatan Anda.
Nah, ketika berbicara tentang kelemahan, jujur, tetapi penting untuk menunjukkan tindakan apa yang Anda ambil untuk mengatasi kelemahan itu. Mengakui kegagalan bukanlah kesalahan. Yang terpenting, bagaimana Anda mengambil langkah untuk mengatasi kegagalan itu.

3. Siapa yang menjadi tokoh panutan Anda?
Ketika pewawancara mengajukan pertanyaan ini, mereka bermaksud untuk mempelajari diri Anda dari jawaban yang diberikan. Dengan kata lain, siapa orang yang Anda kagumi menggambarkan sesuatu tentang Anda. Jadi, berhati-hatilah dalam menjelaskan siapa sosok yang Anda kagumi. Tak masalah siapapun yang Anda pilih sebagai "pahlawan", asal yakin bahwa Anda mengetahui banyak tentang tokoh itu untuk menjelaskan secara spesifik tentang pribadinya.

4. Apa buku favorit Anda?
Jangan memberikan laporan tentang sebuah buku, ketika menjawab pertanyaan ini. Apa yang diinginkan pewawancara adalah untuk memelajari siapa Anda. Apa yang Anda katakan tentang pentingnya membaca buku mengindikasikan ketertarikanmu, apa yang Anda yakini, tujuan dan hal yang disukai maupun tidak disukai.

Ketika berpikir tentang buku yang akan dipilih sebagai bacaan favorit, katakan bahwa pilihan itu membuatmu berpikir berbeda atau mendorong untuk melakukan suatu aksi tertentu. sebutkan juga, apa yang secara khusus membuat Anda terhubung dengan tokoh utama. Yang terpenting bukanlah apa buku yang Anda sukai, tetapi mengapa buku itu berarti bagi Anda. 

5. Kenapa Anda memilih kampus ini?

Ini adalah kesempatan terbaik untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu tentang diri Anda melalui jawaban yang diberikan. Anda tentu bukannya menjadi tour guide dengan mendeskripsikan aset terbesar yang ada di kampus itu. Lebih baik menjelaskan bahwa Anda memilih sekolah itu karena fasilitas riset yang dimiliki. Jelaskan apa yang Anda akan lakukan dengan fasilitas-fasilitas yang ada. Lebih detil dan spesifik akan lebih baik.

6. Apa mata kuliah/mata pelajaran yang disukai di sekolah/kampus? Mengapa?
Akan terlihat mudah untuk menyebutkan mata pelajaran favorit. Tetapi, pewawancara mencoba memahami mengapa Anda menyukai apa yang Anda suka. Beri alasan dan contoh mengapa Anda menyukainya. Misalnya, ketika Anda menjawab menyukai Bahasa Inggris, berikan jawaban lebih dari sekadar, "Karena saya menyukainya" atau "Karena saya bagus dalam Bahasa Inggris".
Pertanyaan ini juga bisa Anda manfaatkan untuk menyebutkan sejumlah pencapaian atau penghargaan. Jika Anda mengatakan bahwa mata pelajaran yang disukai adalah Bahasa Inggris, Anda dapat berbicara tentang kompetisi menulis yang Anda menangkan, dan lain-lain.

7. Apa pengalaman akademik yang paling berkesan?
Pertanyaan seperti ini adalah kesempatan besar untuk menyampaikan sejumlah pencapaian yang berkesan. Yakinkan, bahwa apa yang Anda sampaikan detil dan menjelaskan bagaimana pentingnya pengalaman itu. Gunakan jawaban sebagai kesempatan untuk sedikit memberikan gambaran tentang Anda melalui cerita tentang proyek atau kelas yang berarti bagi Anda dan memberikan contoh yang membuat orang akan mengingatnya. Jika memungkinkan, pilihlah topik yang berhubungan dengan beasiswa yang akan menggambarkan mengapa Anda benar-benar ingin memenangkan beasiswa itu.
Semoga berhasil! 


2012-2013 The Nippon Foundation API Fellowships Program

The Nippon Foundation funded Fellowships for research for Asian Public Intellectuals -Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand -2012/2013

Study Subject(s): Promote mutual learning among Asian public intellectuals
Course Level: Research
Scholarship Provider: The Nippon Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand
- Be 40 years of age or more as of August 31, 2011 (exceptions may be made);
- Have the ability and experience to conduct research projects and/or professional activities in the Participating Countries (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand) other than his/her native country or country of residence;
- Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities in up to four of the Participating Countries (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand), but in a country/ies other than in the applicant’s native country or country of residence;
- Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities for a continuous period of between one to 12 months; and
- Have the ability, influence, and means to disseminate the results of their research projects and/or professional activities.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand
Scholarship Description: The Nippon Foundation Fellowships for Asian Public Intellectuals (API Fellowships Program) is designed to stimulate the creation of a pool of such intellectuals in the region. They aim to promote mutual learning among Asian public intellectuals and to contribute to the growth of public spaces in which effective responses to regional needs can be generated.
How to Apply: Online or by Post
Scholarship Application Deadline: August 31, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Doctoral Scholarships in Mathematics, University of Trento, Italy

The University of Trento announces the 27th cycle of the Doctoral School in “Mathematics” for the Academic Year 2011-2012, in collaboration with “Mathematic Research Centre E. De Giorgi” of the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy).
Selection for 7 doctoral positions in the Mathematics Doctoral Programme is announced, 5 positions of them will be assigned grants financed as follows:
  • 4 grants financed by the University of Trento.
  • 1 grant financed by the Fondazione Bruno Kessler related to the research topic ”Simulation Models in Epidemiology”.
Length: three years.
Official languages: Italian and English
Scientific Areas:
  • Mathematical Logic
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Complementary Mathematics
  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Mathematical Probability and Statistics
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Operations Research
  • Statistics
  • Mathematical Methods of Economics and Finance
Applications are invited from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who hold an Italian “laurea specialistica (magistrale)”, instituted in conformity with Ministerial Decree no. 509 of 3 November 1999 and subsequent amendments, a university degree of the previous regulations, or an equivalent degree obtained abroad.
Applicants who have an Italian degree must submit the degree certificate together with the list of exams and grades obtained.
Applicants holding a foreign degree not officially recognized as equivalent to the Italian “laurea”, must explicitly request recognition of equivalence in their application by including:
- degree certificate (EU citizens may present a self-declaration of the possession of a degree, according to Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28.12.2000).
- the English translation of the degree certificate (if in a different language) with exams taken, grades obtained and short description of a given academic qualification awarded by an institution located in a foreign country and belonging to an educational system different from the Italian one (i.e. Diploma Supplement, if available), signed under their own responsibility, to enable the Graduate School Committee to declare its equivalence, valid solely for the purpose of admission to the selection process.
Applications are also accepted from students who expect to complete their degree by the 14th of October 2011. They need to present, together with their application, a statement from the University Registrar’s Office declaring that the student is expected to obtain the degree by the 14th of October 2011. In such cases admission is “conditional” and applicants must be able to present the degree certificate, or a declaration that the degree has been conferred (according to Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28.12.2000 applicable only to EU citizens) to the Secretary of the Doctoral School in Mathematics (via Sommarive, 14 – I-380123 Povo (TN) within the above mentioned date.
The application form, together with the attachments, must arrive at the University of Trento no later than the 30th of September 2011 in one of the following ways:
a) on-line by signing in to; the application process must be successful completed by 4:00 p.m., Italian time.
b) hand-delivered to the University of Trento – Ufficio Protocollo Centrale, Via Belenzani n. 12 – 38122 Trento (ITALY) from 10:00 am to 12:00 a.m., Monday to Friday. The address on the envelope should say “Doctoral School in Mathematics – 27th cycle”;
c) by mail to the following address: Al Magnifico Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Trento, Via Belenzani 12 – 38122 Trento (ITALY) (please write “Doctoral School in Mathematics – 27th cycle” on the envelope);
The University of Trento does not accept responsibility for mishandling of applications by mail or courier services, or for applications sent to an incorrect address.
In accordance with Art. 71 and amendments of D.P.R. no. 445 of 28 December 2000, the University of Trento may at any time seek to verify the documents sent. Candidates whose applications do not conform to the admission requirements set out in the present call may be excluded from the selection process by written notice at any time.
Applications arriving after the 30th of September 2011 will not be considered, even if sent before this date.
Attachment 1: Photocopy of the applicant’s ID (for EU citizens) or passport, specifically the pages with the photo, personal data, the number ID of the document and the location and date it was released. No other form of identification will be accepted.
Attachment 2: Degree certificate or equivalent certification, as stated in art. 2 of this announcement.
Attachment 3: Curriculum vitae et studiorum in English.
Attachment 4: A copy of the degree dissertation. Students, who expect to complete their degree within the 14th of October 2011, are asked to send it within the 17th of October 2011 in order not to be excluded.
Attachment 5: a summary of the dissertation explaining reasons for the choice of the subject, and showing the results obtained.
Attachment 6: a brief motivation letter (3000 characters maximum, including spaces) describing the applicant’s research interests in Mathematic’s field. If candidate chooses to be evaluated for the topic-specific grant, motivation letter should declare the reasons why candidate declares to want to compete for.
Please note that applicants holding a foreign degree not officially recognized as equivalent to the Italian “laurea”, must include in their application the English translation of the degree certificate (if in a different language) with exams taken, grades obtained (Grade Transcript) signed under their own responsibility, to enable the Graduate School Committee to declare its equivalence, valid solely for the purpose of admission to the selection process.
- copies of publications, if any;
- any other qualifications such as international examinations (GRE or equivalent);
- any other documents attesting to the research skills and abilities of the candidate;
- two reference letters1 in English or Italian from experts in the doctoral research areas of Universities or National or International Research Institutes. The letters must be headed to Prof. Alberto Valli, Doctoral School of Mathematics, University of Trento, Via Verdi 8/10 – I-38122 Trento (Italy) and should preferably address the following questions:
1. How long does the referee know the candidate.
2. In what capacity does the referee know the candidate.
3. Which are the applicant’s major strengths/weaknesses
4. Referee should describe the quality of the applicant’s contributions in a group/team environment (professional or classroom).
The letters must be sent by the referees using one of the following ways:
- by email to Referees must indicate in the email object: “Letter of Reference for CANDIDATE’S LAST NAME/NAME, PhD Mathematics2”;
- by fax to the School of Mathematics number +39 0461 281624.
Should applicants wish to add documents after their application was sent, the material must reach the University by the 30th of September 2011 by using one of the ways indicted in Art 4 b) and c) of this Announcement. The applicant’s name, Doctoral School in Mathematics 27th cycle, and the subject (“Integrazione domanda”) must be clearly printed or written on any envelope sent to the University.
visit official website:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Temasek Foundation Water Leadership Programme, Singapore

Scholarship in Water Leadership Programme for the applicants of East asia Central asia/southeast asia south asia at National University of Singapore, Singapore-2011

Study Subject(s):water utilities governance, practical guidance on managing water utilities effectively, and potential strategies

Course Level:Training programme
Scholarship Provider: Temasek Foundation, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, and PUB, Singapore’s national water agency
Scholarship can be taken at: Singapore

Eligibility:-The TFWLP is open for applications from teams of 5-7 members each from one country. Each team should comprise of a combination of policy makers, public utilities officials, consultants, researchers and representatives of civil society who are have worked together.

-An ideal team, for example, would consist of 3-4 persons from a public utility agency, 1-2 national government representatives, and 1-2 private or not-for-profit representatives.
-5-7 specific country teams will be selected to participate in the programme.
-English is the language of instruction.
-All participants are therefore required to have a working knowledge of written and spoken English.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: China . Mongolia 1. Kazakhstan 2. Kyrgyzstan 3. Tajikistan 4. Turkmenistan 5. Uzbekistan 6. Afghanistan southeast asia south asia 1. Indonesia 2. Philippines 3. Thailand 4. Myanmar 5. Cambodia 6. Laos 7. Vietnam 8. Timor Leste 1. India 2. Maldives 3. Sri Lanka 4. Bangladesh 5. Pakistan 6. Nepal 7. Bhutan
Scholarship Description: The Temasek Foundation Water Leadership Programme (TFWLP), developed in collaboration between Temasek Foundation, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, and PUB, Singapore’s national water agency, is designed for water utilities managers operating in Asian emerging markets that are adapting to the increasing water and sanitation demands placed on them. The programme will expose participants to the best practices in water utilities governance, practical guidance on managing water utilities effectively, and potential strategies to deal with existing and future challenges.The TFWLP will accept team applications composed of 5-7 members each from one country. 5-7 specific country teams will be selected to participate in the programme. Each team would ideally be composed of 3-4 persons from a public utility agency, 1-2 national government representatives, and 1 – 2 private or not- for-profit representatives.
How to Apply: Online or by Post
Scholarship Application Deadline: 10 – 21 October 2011 1 August 2011, April 2012 February 2012 February 2012 *The dates for the second run in April 2012 are tentative.

2011 Merit Scholarship Programme for Foriegn Students at Quebec University, Canada

PhD/Postdoctoral fellowship/Short-term research or professional development scholarships for the applicants of Mexico and Brazil, Belgium , China and India at Quebec University in Canada-2012/13

Study Subject(s):health, humanities and social sciences, arts and letters, natural sciences, and engineering

Course Level:Postdoctoral/Phd/Short-term research or professional development
Scholarship Provider: Quebec University
Scholarship can be taken at: Canada


-Must meet all eligibility conditions as at the date of the closing of the competition, Must have been preselected by a university or the Trans-Tech network (for CCTTs), TERI University, the Mexican DER or CONACYT.
-To the Québec-China program must be preselected by the China Scolarship Council as at January 15, 2012.
-Cannot have already received a merit scholarship for foreign students from Québec Education Department, Fonds Nature et Technologies or Fonds Société et Culture.
-Cannot be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada. Cannot have applied for permanent resident status under Canadian immigration law.
-Québec-Wallonie scholarship applicants must have studied in a French-language university institution in Belgium at the time they are granted their scholarship.
-Have a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ) issued by the ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles du Québec (MICC) and a student visa issued by the Canadian Consulate valid for the entire duration of their scholarship.
-Have a work visa issued by the Canadian Consulate for the entire duration of their fellowship or scholarship.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Mexico and Brazil, Belgium , China and India
Scholarship Description: The objective of the Merit scholarship program for foreign students is to support the internationalization of research activities in Québec’s institutions of higher learning, to attract the best foreign researchers and students, and to promote Québec universities and Centres collégiaux de transfert de technologie (CCTTs), or college technology transfer centres, abroad. 3. The program covers higher education as a whole by giving Centres collégiaux de transfert de technologie (CCTTs) researchers and administrators the opportunity to be part of the program. The list of the CCTTs. 4. In a more generic way, the attribution of a Merit scholarship for foreign students aims at creating a cultural link and at allowing the setting up of possible common scientific research projects.
How to Apply: Online or by Post
Scholarship Application Deadline: November 1, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Matsumae International Foundation Fellowships, Japan

The Matsumae International Foundation is a nongovernmental organization. Its Fund is solely based on donations from many Japanese people who have responded with goodwill to Dr. Shigeyoshi Matsumae’s call. While many donations have been kindly offered by enterprises and groups, most of the donors are individuals who are sympathetic with the Founder’s ideals, and maintain contributions to the Fund from their limited incomes.
Successful applicants are urged to seriously consider and understand the goodwill of those persons, and ensure that the provided fellowships are utilized effectively.
Applicants of non-Japanese nationality who meet all of the following eligibility requirements are invited to submit the required application documents.
1. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. (Doctorate) degree, or be recognized by the Matsumae International Foundation as possessing equivalent academic qualifications.
2. Applicants must be under 49 years old at the time of application.
3. Applicants must have sufficient conversational ability in English or Japanese to prevent insurmountable difficulties during their research activities in Japan.
4. Applicants should not have been in Japan in the past and/or in the present.
5. Applicants should have firm positions and professions in their home countries, and should return to their countries on completion of their fellowship stay by the Foundation.
6. Applicants must be of sound health and not physically handicapped in any way which would not prevent from carrying out research in Japan.
Fields of study such as natural science, engineering and medicine are given first priority.
At the time of application, please indicate the length of your stay (between 3 to 6 months) from April 2012 to March 2013. The Foundation prefers long stays (such as six months) to shorter (such as three months). The number of fellowships given is about 20.
Applicants are free to select host institutions (university research laboratories, national research institutions or the corresponding facilities of private industry) in which to carry out their research. However, applicants are cautioned that they are obliged to obtain acceptance from such host institutions prior to submitting their applications. The Foundation cannot give counsel or advice to an applicant concerning his/her host institution in Japan.
Applicants should obtain the current issue of the Fellowship Announcement from the Foundation. To obtain the announcement, write to MIF with name and address by postal mail, or by E-mail. Or, download the announcement from the webpage of the Foundation and print out the Application Form in PDF-format or MS Word file.
The Foundation cannot entertain requests for waivers of the eligibility requirements and other conditions, listed in the Fellowship Announcement, and will not respond to such requests.
Application must be submitted from the applicant’s home country. Under no circumstances will an application be accepted from a person already in Japan.
The Foundation never receives applications by Fax or E-Mail.
Applications must be received by the Foundation by August 31, 2011, at the latest.
All of the following documents (#1~#8) – A4 in size – should be submitted on one occasion by the applicant to the Foundation.
All documents must be type-written in English. Documents written in any language other than English are not accepted.
Submitted applications which do not contain all of the required documents will be automatically rejected.
The Foundation will not be responsible for costs incurred in submitting an application, and reserves the right to request additional documents if necessary.
All documents received become the property of the Foundation, and will not be returned.
After receiving application documents, the Foundation will send the acknowledgement to applicants. The Foundation will not respond to individual inquiry concerning the status/arrival of application documents.
#1. Application Form (Applicants should use the original Form provided by the Foundation, or an exact photocopy. A self-made Form is not accepted.)
The form is made of two pages. Applicant should attach photograph taken within three months. Applicants should ensure that every item in the application form, without exception, is properly filled in the spaces provided. (Please complete all questions.) Applicants should sign and date in the form.
#2. The Research Project
Applicant should describe this document by oneself.
This should include detailed information on the purpose, methodology, content of the research, and the schedule of the project. The research project must be discussed in detail with the host scientist, and the planned content must be consistent with the research facilities at the host institution.
#3. Complete List of Publications
This should include full details of the publication: when and where published, co-authors’ names (where applicable), size and number of pages, etc. Please indicate in red the title of any publications on the list which are submitted as requested in item “#4″.
#4. Reprint(s) of what the applicant considers to be his/her most important publication(s)
If the reprint(s) is unavailable in English, please attach a brief abstract (summary) in English written by the applicant.
#5. Personal History (Curriculum Vitae)
#6. A letter of recommendation from the applicant’s employer and/or supervisor (e.g. Faculty Dean) testifying to academic ability and achievements, and confirming the availability of study leave covering the grant period.
#7. A certified copy of the applicant’s academic certificates (degrees of Ph.D., Master, Bachelor) issued by the university concerned. (These documents should be in English. If the certificate(s) is unavailable in English, please attach the translation in English.)
#8. An invitation letter with signature by the host scientist confirming;
the period of stay, the research project, the availability of research facilities/materials, and the arrangement of lodging accommodation, under MIF Fellowship Program. (The format is free. E-mail is not accepted.)
1. Applications are examined by the Screening Committee of the Foundation on the basis of academic value and the degree or perfection of the research projects.
2. The results will be sent directly to the applicants after the deadline of application, by the end of December, 2011.
3. The Foundation will send a Grant Letter to successful applicants.
4. The Foundation does not issue announcements concerning the screening progress, nor will the Foundation respond to inquiries concerning the status of such applications.
5. When the decisions of the Screening Committee are announced, the Foundation will neither announce the reasons for the decision nor respond to individual inquiry concerning results.
The following financial support is provided to successful applicants. No support to his/her family or dependents is available.
Fellowships are provided for successful applicants only, and intended for necessary living expenses and research activities in Japan. Under no circumstances is any part of the fellowships transferable to any other persons or other items.
Stipend for research and stay, ¥240,000 yen is provided monthly for the purpose of payment of tuition, expenses for research materials, lodging, meals, transportation, etc.
Insurance, Overseas Travel Accident/Sickness Insurance: (1) Personal accident insurance with death benefit and medical treatment, and (2) Sickness insurance with death benefit and medical treatment.
Air transportation, An economy-class round-trip air ticket between the international airport nearest to successful applicant’s home residence and Tokyo via most direct routing is provided. The provided air ticket cannot be converted to cash, nor can cash be provided by the Foundation for purchase of an air ticket by any individual or organization other than the Foundation.
Lump sum on arrival, ¥100,000 yen is provided to assist with local travel expenses on arrival, the initial cost of lodging, etc.
1. The fellowship grant is restricted to the period indicated in the Grant Letter. Extension/reduction of the granted period is not allowed.
2. The invitation by the Foundation is limited only to the successful applicant specified in the Grant Letter. The Foundation neither does concern successful applicant’s family/dependents nor provides any assistance (entry procedure of Japan, flight arrangement, etc.) for them.
3. During the fellowship stay in Japan by the Foundation, any temporary leave of Japan is not allowed, even though it is a single day.
1. In the event that any of the offenses described below is ascertained, the Matsumae International Foundation reserves the right to terminate its grant, rescind the fellowship status of the offender, and immediately inform all concerned parties (immigration authorities, host institution, etc.) of the situation.
The recipient should return all the fellowship grants from the Foundation.
(1) Facts which are inconsistent with the rules and regulations set forth in the Fellowship announcement, the grant letter, and/or related documents.
(2) False statements or unilateral modification of statements in application forms, the grant letter, and/or related documents.
(3) Failure of the recipient to notify the Foundation of past, current or anticipated grants or benefits from other institutions which duplicate in whole or in part those of the Matsumae International Foundation.
2. Should the recipient be refused by his/her host scientist after his/her arrival in Japan due to level of required capability and/or behaviors in research activities in Japan, the Fellowship will be immediately rescinded.
(1) Should the recipient fail to notify the Foundation of past stay and study in Japan under a fellowship grant from another institution, and the Foundation learns of that fact after his/her arrival in Japan, the Fellowship will be immediately rescinded.
(2) Should the recipient fail to notify the Foundation that he/she has accepted a grant from another institution, and the Foundation learns of the fact after his/her arrival in Japan, the Fellowship will be immediately rescinded.
(3) In the event that the recipient notifies the Foundation of his/her acceptance of a grant from another institution, the Foundation will carefully examine the content of that grant and reserves the right to withdraw its Fellowship.
(4) Should the recipient the host institution, the Fellowship will be rescinded.
(5) Should the recipient change the period of stay in Japan, the Fellowship will be rescinded.
Study Tour:
To promote deeper understanding of Japan, the Matsumae International Foundation organizes a Study Tour during the invitation period in Japan.
Research Report:
Each year, the Foundation issues a “Research Report” containing summaries of research activities or results which are kindly submitted by the fellows.
Continued Contact:
In order to keep in touch with fellows after their return home, the Foundation issues a periodic “Newsletter” and an annual “Fellowship Directory”
Please address all correspondence to:
4-14-46, Kamiogi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 167-0043 JAPAN
E-mail :
visit official website:

Doctoral Scholarships at Helsinki University, Finland

The Finnish Post-Graduate School in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (Titeko) calls for applications for five Academy of Finland funded

The maximum funding period is two years (24 months), starting 1 January, 2012.
Titeko aims to develop doctoral education in the fields of science, technology and innovation studies in Finland, strengthen the existing research groups and generate research facilities for the development of multidisciplinary research environment. Post-graduate school is coordinated by the University of Helsinki, cooperating universities are Aalto University, University of Tampere, University of Jyväskylä, University of Eastern Finland and University of Oulu.
Post-graduate school’s central research themes are:
1)    Changes in innovation system
2)    Environment, climate and sustainable development
3)    Science, universities and academic communities in transition
4)    Cultural approach to technology
The doctoral student positions are intended for full-time study and research leading to a doctoral degree in an area covered by the post-graduate school. The doctoral student will, in addition to research for the doctoral thesis, participate in teaching and other duties at the relevant department.
An appointee to the position of doctoral student shall hold a second-cycle degree and have an approved research proposal. Other requirements shall include the ability and motivation, as demonstrated in previous degree studies or otherwise, to pursue postgraduate studies and a doctoral degree according to the study plan and research proposal.
The salary will be based on levels 1-4 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition, the appointee will be paid a salary component based on personal performance.
The application deadline is 15 August, 2011 at 15.45 local Helsinki time. Admission requirements and application procedures are available on The Board of the post-graduate school will announce the final selection of the students on October, 2011.
Additional information can be obtained from Director, Prof. Ilpo Hélen,
Helsinki, 10 June 2011

University of Helsinki Central Administration

Sunday, June 26, 2011

For Free Movers’ Lithuanian (Baltics) Studies Scholarships for International Students, Lithuania

Scholarship for Undergraduate,Graduate and Postgraduate Students in the field of Philology, History,Philosophy,Theology, Culture Offered by Education Exchanges Support Foundation in Lithuanian.

Study Subject(s):Philology.History, Philosophy, Theology , Culture
Course Level:Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate
Scholarship Provider: Education Exchanges Support Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: Lithuania

Eligibility:The candidate has to be a student (not in the final year), lecturer or researcher of higher education and research institution in his home country.
-The candidate must have an official letter of acceptance from the host higher education and research institution in Lithuania. Lithuanian state scholarships cannot be coupled with other grants

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: The Lithuanian language belongs to the In-do-European family of languages. It is one of the remaining two live Baltic languages boasting of numerous archaisms, the best-retained ancient system of sounds and a number of morphological peculiarities. The Lithuanian language courses organized by higher education and research institutions of Lithuania are intended for all students, lecturers and researchers interested in Lithuanian or Baltic philology, Indo-European linguistics, Lithuanian literature, Lithuanian history, culture, ethnography and folklore.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 October 2011

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